Argh!įound aHUD (adjustable HUD) and iHud (immersive HUD). Wanted to like Darnified UI mod, as it's colorful, but none of the fonts match up to my odd widescreen res of 1366x768. Some of those optional files under FOOK just doesn't work at all.įound a mod that lets you run the app in a "borderless window" so you can alt-tab out of it properly. Was checking out all the different mod patches when I ran into a compatibility and borked the run enough so not even the main menu will load.įinally killed the mods and found a combo that worked. * XFO - revamps the game, removes skill and level caps, improves AI, and more * A World of Pain - out of places to explore? Here's a few more * Bounty-Hunter (1 and 2) - new quests that adds hunting down people, much like Three-Card Bounty mod

* Warzone - imagine running into a literal war between two or more factions in new areas of the map.

* nVamp ( New Vegas Advanced Mod Project ), I can't find a description on what this one fixes * FOOK (Fallout Overhaul Kit) NV Edition, fixes bugs and goofs, adds merchants, and some rebalance issues * Mission Mojave (several editions) fixes bugs, FOOK compatible SIX types of food, different effects for different stuff, far more emphasis on survival (eating raw food will poison you, for example),Īnd the various patches are too numerous, and many of them are compilations of other mods, and not all of them work with other combinations. Some of these mods are really for OCD people. Looking into the mods / patches, and holy ****. I'm debating whether to use the Ulysses Duster (which is +50 rad resist) and his breating mask (another 25, plus the built-in so I don't even need to take Rad-X) or should I go pick up some Power Armor (have to leave my Remnant Power Armor in the Divide when it's too beat up). I may go try the Courier's Mile, though it's likely a mostly suicide mission, even when I'm level 50. It's basically a cuter-looking minigun (firing a different round), much like the cyberdog guns at the Big MT. I found the shoulder-mounted guns to be rather. Those rockets don't seem to kill any one even when I empty the whole magazine at someone. Also picked up the Red Glare rocket launcher which seems to be WAY underpowered. If they *are* aware of me then I resort to my SleepyTime 10 mm SMG (silenced) and maybe a grenade or two. it just PWNs everybody if I can catch them unaware, even deathclaws, and I can easily pick up AP ammo for this off almost ANY of the marked men. I brought along the Anti-Material 50 cal rifle. It's a pretty short DLC comparing to others.